EG Threads

Phone : 4901490670
Email :
How did you hear about us? : Facebook
What type of items are you looking for today? : Custom Embroidery
Style :
Number :
Color :
Size :
Range :
Quantity of Pieces :
Number of Graphics : 1
Graphic #1 Name : Embroidery DigitizingHow many colors is your graphic? : 1

Print Location : Front Print,Back Print,Sleeve Print,Left Chest,
Comment : Dear Valued Customer,

My name is Addy Nguyen Pham. I am from Vietnam.

I’ve been a digitizer and a trainer of embroidery digitizing / vectoring from 2007. Now, I’ve a team with 18 members. They’ve at least 4 years of practice, skill and enthusiasm.

I am writing to you because I believe that we can build up a good business with each other. Because of the difference in time zones, we could process your files while you are on holidays or days off or after office hours.

With available embroidery machines, we are willing to test the design files to minimize errors as low as possible.
In addition, my competitive pricing will support you to save the cost – especially for rush orders.

We are glad to provide you 3 digitizing / vectoring jobs for free.
The quality of designs is worth more than thousands of words about our services and capability.

Thank you for taking your precious time to read my mail.
I am waiting for your reply.

Best Regards,

Addy Nguyen Pham
Embroidery Digitizing / Sampler/
Vector Art Digitizing.

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