EG Threads


EG Threads Dropshipping instructions

Here is important information to know, in order to properly submit your order that requires dropshipping services.  If you prefer sending your excel sheet and leaving the work to us, we can properly format your dropship excel sheet for a $150.00 fee.

There are two options to choose from in the template below. Individual dropship template; this template is designed for shipping to individuals and in a single unit format.  The other, Multiple dropship template. This is designed for shipping to businesses that require direction to multiple departments and are able to accommodate multiple sizes and styles.

Dropshipping fees and requirements
  • Domestic dropship fee per address $5.00 International address is $5.00 each (limitations apply for international shipments)
  • All dropship addresses  must be domestic shipments; we will not process any international orders under normal procedure at this time.  If you have international orders, please submit all labels, and other required documentation so we can apply this information to those specific dropships.
  • All orders must be submitted with the proper drop ship template (Excel format). Once complete, export your sheet as a .CSV file in an email with your order. Once the order is complete we will return your excel file with all tracking information.
  • Dropship qty must match your purchase order qty; for example, if you have 500 shirts, your dropshipping 450 and we are shipping the remaining units to your address, please include this on your excel sheet so the numbers line up exactly.
  • We do require upwards of an additional 5-7 business days for the dropshipping process. (Timeline does not include the kitting of other products.)
  • We do offer kitting on additional products for a fee which is determined on a case-by case basis. Kitting is only offered if one or more items are decorated in our facilities.
  • If dropships are shipping on the EG Threads shipper accounts, costs for shipping will be billed at published rates.
  • Any changes made to the drop ship list after submission will require a $25.00 change fee and an additional 3 business days to your order to ensure data is transferred before the order is fulfilled.

"*" indicates required fields

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